Thursday, December 17, 2015

Gift Wrappping: How to Add Personal Touch

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One of the many things you should never forget when it comes to Holiday season is the giving of gifts. Agree? Of course, Christmas will never be complete when there are no exchanging of gifts. Whether you are hosting a holiday party at Nuvali homes or any other real estate property, there will always be gifts you want to give, and of course, receive.

When it comes to gifts, there will be a lot and different kinds of gift wrappings you will see on a party. Some of the gifts are placed and wrapped through a box, candy-like, or gifts that were simply placed in a paper bag. Well, it will always depend on the person on what kind of gift wrapping he/she wants to do. However, do you know the when you do gift wrapping with a personal touch is going to be on the next level of wrapping gifts.

Well, if you are a kind of person who wants to have some unique gift wrapping styles, then below are some examples of gift wrapping with a personal touch from the sender.

Adding letters or initials

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This gift wrapping style may apply to those people who know who are the receivers of the gifts. You can do some personalization by adding their first letter of their name of the family name. With that kind of style, there will be warmth and fuzzy feeling when that particular someone receives the gifts that you personally and creatively wrapped.

Moreover, you can add some design to the letter on it. You might want to include some glitters and any other decorations that you might want to include with the letter on the wrapper.

Paper silhouettes

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There are just times that you don't know who these people that can receive your gifts, but you know his/her gender. With that, you might want to try having or making some paper silhouettes. It would be a nice guessing game since everyone tries to find out which present belongs to which person. Of course, people will be excited to have your gift since it is wrap with a personal touch on it. Who would not want to have those kinds of gifts, right?

Paper silhouettes give people an idea that gender can receive your gifts. With that, they will most likely wish that he/she will be the one who can receive your gift.

Bonus gift

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This kind of gift wrapping is another type of style where you got to let the people be excited on which person can receive your gift since they can also have something extra aside from the gift that you have for them. Well, you might want to include trinkets as gifts toppers, which can surprise and delight the recipients. Well, this is also one you can have another way to make your recipient happy. Moreover, having this kind of gift wrapping style is also one of the many ways you can be practical.

Photos as gift tags

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This kind of gift wrapping can also apply to those people who know who the people are who will receive your gifts. Well, you better have a good picture of that person for as not to make them feel bad. Moreover, this is also one of the many ways you can customize your gift for them.

Personal objects

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Aside from the typical gift wrappers, you can also customize it into something unique. Well, you should also think out of the box and be creative enough to wrap your gifts. Well, instead of the wrappers, you can use a stylish cloth to wrap your gift. Just make sure that it is properly wrap up so as not to fall.

See? There are a lot of ways you can personalize your gifts. With that matter, you just don't simply giving gifts to the receiver, but you also let them feel that they are special to your since your gift has a personal touch on it.

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