Saturday, November 28, 2015

Mountain Biking Tips For Beginners: What You Need to Do To Get Started

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Hands up to those people who want to do mountain biking Philippines yet don't have any idea on how to get started! I bet, there are a lot of you here who are willing to learn how to do biking on the mountain. Well, fret not, because mountain biking is not that hard as you think it is. For as long as you are equipped with the basic knowledge about biking, then you are ready to go.

Mountain biking is also a form of exercise. Agree? Of course, when you do bike you exert some strength and effort, which helps burn fats and calories on your body. Moreover, it doesn't just give you a healthy body, but also a healthy and sound mind. That is why, there are more people who are already interested and are now into mountain biking.

Well, if you are hype for mountain biking, below are the things you need to do for you to before you can successful do it without any problems that might arise later on. A biker should know these:

What to wear

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When you do bike, one of the important things you should remember is that you should wear comfortable clothes. Moreover, you should not wear fitting clothes where it is hard for you to breathe some air. As a biker, it is your responsibility to know what kind of clothes that is applicable for biking. Well perhaps, you can wear some biking outfit. With that, you will feel at ease, especially when you also wear padded shorts where it also helps your ride more comfortable.

Moreover, the more comfortable you are with your clothes, the more fun you definitely can have. Of course, there are also different types of biking outfits that are for both men and women. And before you can choose an outfit, you have to make sure that it fits perfectly with you. Not just with the clothes that you wear, but also, you also need to wear a helmet and some gloves for your protection.

What to bring

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Bringing unnecessary things is a no-no! It will only add load to your back. Of course, you can only bring necessary things such as water to keep you hydrated and some snacks to boost your energy. Of course, you also have to choose snacks that are healthy to help give the energy to continue your journey. Of course, you should also not forget to bring your towel. You will eventually realize how your towel can help you in many ways. And oh! First aid kit is also important to have for any case of emergencies.

Aside from the things that are mentioned above, one of the things you should never forget to bring is a spare inner tube, tyre levers and a pump are the things you should bring for in case you are unfortunate enough to get a puncture in your tyre.


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If you are one of those people who are just getting started with mountain biking, you better start first with some short rides about 1 to 2 hours long. Of course, you also have to stay and have easy gears.
With that, you will be able to do some great work out without tiring your leg muscles quickly. And eventually when you are already used to it, you can go on to longer rides yet still in a steady pace.
Well, it is great for endurance fitness and burning fat.

When it comes to mountain biking, it is going to be a whole body workout. You will be using your arms and other parts of your body to ensure that you can successfully climb the mountain. Moreover, as a biker, you always have to remember that before you are going on a ride, there must be a 10 or 20 minutes of easy riding at the start of each ride for your muscles to warm up.

See? If you just know the basic knowledge of what you need to do, you will eventually realize that you do biking, be it on flat surfaces or mountains. Well, you just have to enjoy the ride and try to avoid hazard things on your way.

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